Spares Beer Club was established with Kenny bringing the first beer, a Phoenixx Double ESB with a stellar rating of 3.57.
SBC membership grew on March of 2013 with the addition of members Killer, Bobby, Andy and Mike M., bringing the total amount of members to ten.
In July, 2014, Josh joined, and Mark got fired retired.
In July, 2015, Jake and Gary joined, and Josh retired.
In the summer of 2016, communication duties were taken over by member Dust, and the SBC evolved into a more professional, classy organization with way less suckage, and considerably more beard.
Darin was voted in for the start of the 2016 Fall season, bringing membership to 12. Two six packs.
On March 1st, 2017, Ash Wednesday–marking the beginning of 40 days in the desert, an SBC first happened. An email was sent out to all members, asking them to opt in. Membership levels took a drastic hit, with Killer being the first to abandon ship. Darin, Bobby and Gary quickly followed. The future of the SBC was in question… until eight faithful members chose to stay in.
The current membership numbers now make it possible to bring two high quality 4-packs. #MakingBeerClubGreatAgain
Beer Advocate, the site we use for our scoring, changed their system causing massive chaos and confusion in the SBC. Thankfully, we have en excellent president, Kenny, who is at his best in times of turmoil (truly, the Jon Snow of Arlington). He quickly updated the scores and restored mediocrity to our rankings.
Update 10/3: Beer Advocate sucks. SBC switched to Untappd’s rating system.
Allen joined the SBC during the spring season, bringing total membership to nine.
On October 12th, at exactly 1:08pm, Hadley broke up with the beer club via email. All wept. The SBC membership is back to eight. It is a good number.
Jake resigned via proxy. SBC is at 7. An odd number indeed.
JUNE: Our president brought a crappyass duplicate, breaking a nearly 3 year streak of perfect beer club. Time for new election?
JULY: Unanimously, we all
Membership level is back to eight.
The Covid-19 pandemic took out three of our members: Jones, Allen and Pedro. They will be missed. To honor them, we have a renewed dedication to drinking beer. Membership level is now 5.
Jonathan and Dave were added. Membership is back to the weird 6-pack +1 number of 7. And there was much rejoicing.
Dave retired. The SBC is back to a 6-pack. Long live Dave.